COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

5/24/21 Update:

First of all, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding in these unprecedented times. The last year or so has been difficult for everyone and I appreciate that all of my customers have been flexible and accommodating as I tried to navigate keeping everyone safe. I am thankful that I have been staying busy while only working outdoors and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without the support of my clients.

An overwhelming majority of the people in the Bay Area have been able to get themselves vaccinated and that has really contributed to the low COVID numbers we are seeing. As I have now completed my vaccine series, I will begin scheduling indoor work again starting June 8th. I look forward to helping you with all your projects very soon.

I ask for your patience, as I anticipate a high demand for appointments. It has been over a year since I have been working in my clients homes, so I am sure you have had lots of little projects adding up and you are not alone. It is probably going to take me a while to get through the backlog of jobs, so I hope you will understand when I have a much longer than normal lead time.

I also ask for your help. Despite being vaccinated now and the CDC’s relaxed guidance on mask wearing, I will continue to wear as mask inside my clients’ homes for at least the immediate future. I ask that anyone who will be in the immediate area where I am working also wear a mask as well. Many people still have children and immunocompromised people who can’t be vaccinated. I will still be in contact with a larger than average number of people and though the risk is low, I want to make sure I am doing my best not to be contributing to the spread of COVID. Also, as of right now, they are still mandatory per our county rules. This is something I will continue to evaluate as time goes on, but I ask for your understanding and compliance for all of my client’s safety. I will keep my website updated with any policy changes.

Thank you for your continued support of my business. I can’t wait to see you in person and help you with whatever projects you might have. Take care and please stay safe.

Steven Jeuck

Owner – Beard & Belt Handyman LLC

Updated 11/4/2020

I, Steven Jeuck, the owner of Beard & Belt Handyman LLC am committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for myself, my clients, our families and the general public. To ensure we have a safe and healthy work environment, Beard & Belt Handyman LLC has developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am responsible for implementing this plan. My goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities, and that requires full cooperation among our myself and my clients. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of all persons in our workplaces.

Beard & Belt Handyman LLC’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows the industry guidance developed by the State of California, which is based upon Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines for COVID-19, California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CalOSHA) statutes, rules and standards, and California’s relevant and current executive orders. I have reviewed and incorporated the appropriate industry guidance applicable to our business provided by the state of California for the development of this plan, under the category “Limited Services” It addresses:

  • A Workplace Specific Plan
  • Topics for Worker Training and Individual Control Measures and Screening (I have combined these as I do not have any employees)
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols
  • Physical Distancing Guidelines
  • Considerations for Homeowners and Building Residents
  • Additional Considerations for Those Limited Services That Operate Out of Vehicles

Workplace Specific Plan

As I don’t have a specific workplace and will be working at my clients homes, I have identified some potential risk areas and ways to mitigate that risk:

  • High Risk of Spread Inside Clients Homes
    • I will NOT be preforming work in or even entering any of my clients’ homes at this time.  I will only be performing work on the exterior of the homes.  Any required interactions with the homeowner will be conducted outside the home and at safe distance apart
  • Face-to-Face Interactions
    • Any in-person interactions with clients will be done outside their residence, with appropriate social distancing and masks
  • Limiting Contact with High-Touch surfaces
    • Limiting contact with door knobs and gate latches.  If avoiding contact is not possible, cleaning and disinfecting of the items before contact and hand washing/hand sanitizing after contact.

Topics for Worker Training and Individual Control Measures and Screening

As I don’t have any employees, these are all items I have researched and reviewed myself.

  • Information on COVID-19, preventing spread, and who is especially vulnerable.
  • Self-screening at home, including temperature and/or symptom checks using CDC guidelines.
  • The importance of not coming to work if I have a cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, or if I or someone I had contact with has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • To return to work after a COVID-19 diagnosis only after 10 days since symptom onset and 72 hours of no fever.
  • When to seek medical attention
  • The importance of hand washing.
  • The importance of physical distancing, both at work and off-work time.
  • Proper use of face coverings, including information in the CDPH guidance.
  • Mechanical tradespeople who work near plumbing vents, HVAC exhaust, or other exhaust fans: Exhaust air could contain the virus that causes COVID-19 if infected persons are in the building.
  • Mechanical tradespeople who work on sewage, plumbing, and custodial or janitorial services: The virus that causes COVID-19 has been found in the feces of some persons with COVID-19.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols

  • Frequently disinfect commonly used surfaces.
  • Clean and disinfect tools between clients
  • Place dirty linens in closed, non-porous containers and wash at a high temperature, then stored in a closed cabinet or covered shelving.
  • Use products approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list and train workers on chemical hazards, product instructions, ventilation requirements, and Cal/OSHA requirements. Follow CDPH asthma-safer cleaning methods.

Physical Distancing Guidelines

  • Implement measures to ensure physical distancing by at least six feet between and among workers and customers
  • Ensure both I and my clients are wearing masks during any potential interaction, even while maintaining social distancing
  • Limit interactions with customers by no longer accepting in-person payments.  All payments will be completed online or via mail

Considerations for Homeowners and Building Residents

  • I will be contacting customers 24hrs in advance of all appointments to check to see if anyone in the household is showing the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 as laid out by the CDC guidelines or has been in close contact with someone showing these symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID-19.  The appointment would need to be rescheduled if this were the case
  • I request that the homeowner:
    • Clean and disinfect surfaces in areas where I may work or need to access.
    • Maintain physical distancing of at least six feet at all times
    • Wear face coverings at all times during the visit, unless unable to per the exemption criteria in the CDPH face coverings guidelines.
    • Stay out of the area where the I will be working.

Additional considerations for Those Limited Services That Operate Out of Vehicles

  • My work van must have hand sanitizer available and all I should sanitize my hands when arriving on-site.
  • Maintain an adequate supply of materials required to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces of the work van. Include lined trash receptacle to be placed in work van.
  • Clean and disinfect the cabs of my work van daily
  • Clean and disinfect tools and equipment between clients
  • Provide alternative restroom locations in case the normally accessible ones on the route are closed, and allow time for use.

This plan will be revisited and reevaluated regularly and as the situation changes in order to make sure I am following all the current best practices.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me.  Thank you.

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